SW Canna Association
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About The SW Cannabis Trade Association
Southwest Cannabis Trade Association has been established to promote the growth of a strong and united cannabis industry in New Mexico. The Southwest Cannabis Trade Association will serve as a trade organization devoted to working with our community partners and members to act as a governing caucus dedicated to forming fair and equative; policy, community based partnerships, and professional efficacy for our trade partners and adjacent cannabis related industries or ancillary services. The Southwest Cannabis Trade Association will represent the diverse interests of the cannabis community and work to better educate the members of the community in the areas where our cannabis partners exist and operate. We believe that the mission of SCTA directly aligns with the mission of the Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico (The Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico serves as a community resource, connects donors to needs, and supports charitable organizations in their work.). Like the Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico (CFSNM) the SCTA serves as a community resource to those familiar with cannabis and well as those looking to become more educated and involved in the cannabis industry. Further the Southwest Cannabis Trade Association operates in the spirit of New Mexico Cannabis Control Divisions social and economic equity policy which embraces the success and benefits of the cannabis industry for those who are disadvantaged in some way especially those who have been negatively impacted by the criminalization of marijuana.