Resin Collection bags come in different sizes. 200/150/100/50/75/50/25 micron rated selections or 1/2" Mesh or 1/4" Mesh OR 3 bag and 6 bag kits are available in a single kit. 55-gallon Resin Collection Bags can process up to 10 lb of material at a time independently and even more with the help of the Resinator.
Collect H20 extraction with precision and ease. Our vinyl side walls are durable and easy to clean. While other extraction bags clog, our extra monofilament on the bottom rim of bags helps water to drain faster when extracted material begins to clump. Our industrial material and design are of superior quality.
Resin Collection bags come in different sizes. 200/150/100/50/75/50/25 micron rated selections or 1/2" Mesh or 1/4" Mesh OR 3 bag and 6 bag kits are available in a single kit. 55-gallon Resin Collection Bags can process up to 10 lb of material at a time independently and even more with the help of the Resinator.
Collect H20 extraction with precision and ease. Our vinyl side walls are durable and easy to clean. While other extraction bags clog, our extra monofilament on the bottom rim of bags helps water to drain faster when extracted material begins to clump. Our industrial material and design are of superior quality.